Bye-bye Mrs Fudge

So this weekend TheBoy and I came across to mums on a bit of a flyer… I’ve been so busy and getting myself a bit strung out trying to be Superwoman. So when Friday afternoon came I packed a few things for us and headed west on the M56. The usual 2 hour drive took nearly 4 but we had the iPod on shuffle and one of us had a snooze on the way so it was fairly relaxed; no point trying to race the several thousand other cars heading the same way.

We arrived, we had lovely food, nice wine and I commissioned some rather useful and beautiful exhibition display items from the newly qualified woodworking B 😉

Saturday was filled with knitting, blood-donating, lunch out, a walk to the beach, a BBQ and more knitting.

On Sunday Fudge went and had a funny turn. Six months ago our crazy neurotic collie-cross shared-family-dog nearly left us, having been diagnosed with almost no heartbeat, low thyroid something or other and I don’t know what else. But she’s always been stubborn and defied the vet by re-gaining her heartbeat and her spirit just as he was reaching for the final injection.

But today she wasn’t coming back. The vets at Colwyn Bay were lovely, very thoughtful and sensitive. We stayed with her while she went to sleep and we brought her home knowing she’ll have a good resting place with a view of the sea. She was always happiest outside and we’ll remember Mrs Fudge like this…